Wednesday 5th January 2022
Dear Parents/Carers
A very Happy New Year to you all.
As we start the term the COVID situation presents us once again with challenges. We are preparing our response to a range of situations. It is our intention to do everything we can to keep school and motorvations open throughout.
In order to do this we need to make sure as far as possible that COVID safety measures are followed, in order to keep all pupils, families and staff safe – and hopefully enable us to continue with full time delivery.
Please can I ask that as far as possible you test your son/ daughter for COVID at least twice a week. Staff will be testing daily – and we hope that we will be able to keep disruption to a minimum by early detection of any cases.
We are also asking that where possible pupils wear face coverings as per the government guidelines – please can you encourage your son/ daughter to do so.
Hopefully we will be able to keep school open during this challenging time – this will be more likely if we keep testing and use masks.
I appreciate your help and support in this matter.
Keep safe and well.
Best wishes
Susan Douglas
Head Teacher
Click Here to read our COVID19 Health and Safety Plan January 2022 |