Welcome to
Restoring Hope, Releasing Potential, Rebuilding Lives
About us
Hopewell is an independent special school for children and young people who have an EHCP for social, emotional, mental health and learning needs.
We provide child centred specialist education and therapeutic support across our two sites the school based in Dagenham and our vocational centre motorvations@hopewell in Romford.
We believe passionately in supporting and nurturing our pupils as well as aspiring to provide them with outstanding and creative learning opportunities.
By empowering our pupils, building their self-confidence and enabling them to develop their individual strengths we endeavour to provide them with the skills they need to lead constructive and fulfilling adult lives.
Parent's Views
"The school adapted the learning to suit my son's needs to help him engage and this helped."
"Keep doing what you are doing! The school did amazing with my son . He is a happy person."
"I am very impressed and satisfied with the support the school has given to my son."
"I think the School has been brilliant from the day he first started"
Hopewell is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.
We expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs)
"Pupils enjoy being part of a safe and secure school environment"
Ofsted 2023"Staff know pupils well and are alert to changes in behaviour that could indicate any concerns."
Ofsted 2023Our Curriculum
"The curriculum makes a very strong contribution to promoting pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development."
Ofsted 2019"The curriculum enables pupils to achieve qualifications that allow them to progress successfully to the next stage of their lives"
Ofsted 2019Personal Development and Achievement Programme
The aim of the PDA Programme is to provide our pupils with the opportunity to develop key character skills and attributes- RESPECT, COMMUNICATION,COLLABORATION, PERSERVERENCE,PROBLEM SOLVING, RESILIENCE, ADAPTABILITY, TEAM WORKING.
By taking part in our programme of activities we aim to:
develop their self-esteem, self-confidence and resilience, including an understanding of how to improve their own learning and performance, so that they are well prepared for the next stage of their lives
understand that the decisions they make are important factors of their own success and well-being and positive outcomes.
develop spiritual, moral and cultural understanding and an appreciation of non-material aspects of life, whether religious, philosophical or other
distinguish right from wrong, understand and respect systems of rules and laws, and accept responsibility for their own behaviour, including towards others
are socially aware and so are able to work effectively with others, including to solve problems and achieve common goals
fulfil responsibilities and contribute positively to the lives of others within the school, the local community and wider society
respect and value diversity within society, show respect for and appreciation of their own and other cultures, and demonstrate sensitivity and tolerance to those from different backgrounds and traditions
know how to stay safe and understand how to be physically and mentally healthy, particularly in terms of diet, exercise and a balanced lifestyle
Enjoy themselves!!!
"The school provides pupils with a strong personal development offer"
Ofsted 2023"Leaders focus on developing pupils' positive character traits."
Ofsted 2023THERAPY
Our therapeutic offer is available for all pupils and their families and runs alongside our curriculum timetable. Pupils can access individual therapy, as well as taking part in our group sessions which are used to support pupils with the development of positive and social interactions with each other.
Currently our therapy offer includes:
Child psychotherapy
Music Therapy
Drama Therapy
Therapeutic Play
Anger Management
Positive Relationships/ Social Interaction
Creative Arts Therapeutic Intervention
Parent/Carer Therapy
Access to Educational Psychology
Individual and Group Mentoring
Our therapy is delivered by a qualified child psychotherapist, drama therapist and music therapist as well as therapy assistants who lead on the Therapeutic play and Creative Arts.
Mentoring sessions are facilitated by Potential Mentoring.
All of our therapists have external, confidential supervision in which they discuss and monitor their practice.
Our Latest Inspection
"Pupils get a fresh start at Hopewell School"
Ofsted 2023"Children learn to keep themselves safe online and outside the school environment"
Ofsted 2023"Staff support pupils to manage difficult situations, including through therapeutic sessions."
Ofsted 2023"The vocational offer is ambitious preparing pupils for their next steps."
Ofsted 2023"Leaders, staff and therapists work together well. They identify and support pupils emotional and behavioural needs."
Ofsted 2023" Pupils know that if they need extra help to manage their emotions, then a member of staff is always available"
Ofsted 2023Calendar
Autumn 2023
4 th September INSET Day
5 th September Target Setting
5 th September Term starts
23 rd – 27 th October Half term
30 th October INSET Day
21 st December Last day of term
Spring 2024
8 th January INSET Day
9 th January Target setting
9 th January Term starts
19 th – 23 rd February Half term
28 th March Last day of term
Summer 2024
15 th April INSET Day
16 th April Target setting
16 th April Term starts
6 th May Bank Holiday
27 th May – 31 st June Half term
1 st & 2 nd July INSET Day
19 th July Last day of term
Contact Us
0208 593 6610
acting Head Teacher:
Franck Coido
Chair of Governors:
Matt Miller MBE
Mr Herman Allen
Baden Powell Close
13 Maldon Road
"The school are absolutely fantastic with understanding my son's needs. We couldn't be happier!"