HopeWell School


Creative media is a fantastic way for students to engage in their own personalised learning programmes. Where their interests are used to create unique learning experiences that they can gain Arts Award Bronze, Silver, and gold qualifications with. Utilising a cross curricular approach infused with creative technologies.

Creative media at Hopewell allows subject themes to be seamlessly implemented from a creative base. Where English's speaking and listening transforms into autocue creation and script writing. Set design and game coding embedded within maths and scale. The scientific invention of LCD within a camera screen links to experiments with science. Personalised projects allowing students to flourish.

Using creative technologies to provide and record experiences like onsite learning projects at Barking and Dagenham college, which inspire and engage creative opportunities. These projects and experiences being documented and recorded by the creative media production team, using state of the art creative equipment and software. Providing students with the content and skills needed to create digital projects, which they review, edit and present for their personal creative media projects, allowing them to gain an Arts Award qualification.

Creative media is a great tool when working with students who want to communicate, using music to create rhymes and poetry, along with animations, and creative storytelling through game design and development. This has enabled students to create music videos/Digital games using Green screen and VR technologies, Where they create environments to match their chosen stories.

Authentic Inclusive Approach
We believe that every student has the potential to succeed in the arts. That's why we offer a unique, personalised Arts Award programme that is tailored to each student's individual interests and needs. Through this programme, students can earn Bronze, Silver and Gold qualifications in the Arts, and develop their skills and knowledge in a creative and supportive environment.

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Sequencing of Content

Creative media timeline.
Half termly projects
Weekly themes
Presentation of project.

Core threads

Numeracy, literacy and communication

Extend own arts practice
Identify and participate in development opportunities within the wider arts sector
Research advanced practitioners and review arts events/experiences
Form and communicate a view on an arts issue
Leadership of an arts project
Leadership project aims and outcomes

Retrieval Practice

  • Retrieval Practice
  • Weekly creative challenges.
  • Video feedback and review via digital folders.
  • Switching of creative roles within a project weekly.
  • Voice box via video feedback
  • Review crew podcast
  • VR presentation
  • AI displays

  • Young people work as artists, extending and broadening their arts skills. They develop skills within their own art form or arts practice and gain experience of an art form, genre or practice that is new to them. They produce new work in their main art form

Click to view Creative Media Statement

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The specialist nature of the subject curriculum.

The main aims of Creative media are to support pupils in the development of their technical and creative skills, as well as their confidence and knowledge in the use of media technologies. We also want to help pupils progress onto higher levels of achievement in the arts, and ultimately into employment or further study in the field. learners move to achieving these goals by taking part in their chosen arts projects. These include game design, film production, photography, dance, green screen production, radio presenting and 3D design. Pupils also have the opportunity to go on VR expeditions, which allow them to explore different cultures and environments through virtual reality. Pupils have Creative Media lessons four times a week, and each lesson is structured around a different project. This ensures that pupil have the opportunity to try out a variety of different arts disciplines, and to find the one that they are most passionate about. Planning across the Key Stages Pupils take part in a Creative media quiz on entry into the subject. This establishes the level that they are currently working at and what areas they need to focus on. All pupils are entered for an Arts award qualification, which is progression from their previous stage (if they have completed one). The Hopewell School Arts award offers a broad and balanced curriculum that covers all aspects of the arts, from performance to composition. To help support learners in creative media, fun and engaging weekly quizzes form part of an ongoing assessment process. In these quizzes, students take part in interactive quizzes about the topics they have covered in their lessons. This helps to ensure that they are engaging with the material and consolidates their learning. Key skills taught at KS2 and KS3 are Art form knowledge and understanding Creativity, Communication and an understanding of communication. The Creative Media, Arts award qualifications starts at Explore and works up through to Bronze, Silver and Gold. Where pupils take their knowledge from their previous stage and apply it to their new project levels. Creative media is developed to be ambitious and meet the pupils' needs by focusing on their interests. This is how we personalise the arts award at Hopewell to make it more enjoyable and successful for everyone involved, and because we offer the Arts award qualification at its highest-level Gold, this gives pupils the high expectations that they need to succeed. Assessment materials and strategy Creative media is assessed through a variety of methods including, but not limited to, practical work, presentations, and individual projects. Fun and engaging weekly quizzes are also used as an ongoing assessment process for Hopewell pupils taking part in the Arts award. These quizzes help to ensure that they are engaging with the material covered in their lessons and consolidates their learning in a fun and interactive way. At the end of each half term formative assessments take place in the form of teacher assessments. We use these formative assessments to complete a data drop to assess where children are in their learning using classroom monitor. This is then used to identify children who need additional support and as a gap analysis to inform planning. Presentations, dress rehearsals and review sessions are built into the creative media lessons, so that pupils can revisit parts of their learning and receive feedback. This helps to ensure that they are making good progress towards their Arts award qualification.

Click to view Creative Media Drivers


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Sequencing of Content

Creative media timeline.
Half termly projects
Weekly themes
Presentation of project.

Core threads

Numeracy, literacy and communication

Extend own arts practice
Identify and participate in development opportunities within the wider arts sector
Research advanced practitioners and review arts events/experiences
Form and communicate a view on an arts issue
Leadership of an arts project
Leadership project aims and outcomes

Retrieval Practice

  • Retrieval Practice
  • Weekly creative challenges.
  • Video feedback and review via digital folders.
  • Switching of creative roles within a project weekly.
  • Voice box via video feedback
  • Review crew podcast
  • VR presentation
  • AI displays

  • Young people work as artists, extending and broadening their arts skills. They develop skills within their own art form or arts practice and gain experience of an art form, genre or practice that is new to them. They produce new work in their main art form

Click to view Creative Media Statement

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The specialist nature of the subject curriculum.

The main aims of Creative media are to support pupils in the development of their technical and creative skills, as well as their confidence and knowledge in the use of media technologies. We also want to help pupils progress onto higher levels of achievement in the arts, and ultimately into employment or further study in the field. learners move to achieving these goals by taking part in their chosen arts projects. These include game design, film production, photography, dance, green screen production, radio presenting and 3D design. Pupils also have the opportunity to go on VR expeditions, which allow them to explore different cultures and environments through virtual reality. Pupils have Creative Media lessons four times a week, and each lesson is structured around a different project. This ensures that pupil have the opportunity to try out a variety of different arts disciplines, and to find the one that they are most passionate about. Planning across the Key Stages Pupils take part in a Creative media quiz on entry into the subject. This establishes the level that they are currently working at and what areas they need to focus on. All pupils are entered for an Arts award qualification, which is progression from their previous stage (if they have completed one). The Hopewell School Arts award offers a broad and balanced curriculum that covers all aspects of the arts, from performance to composition. To help support learners in creative media, fun and engaging weekly quizzes form part of an ongoing assessment process. In these quizzes, students take part in interactive quizzes about the topics they have covered in their lessons. This helps to ensure that they are engaging with the material and consolidates their learning. Key skills taught at KS2 and KS3 are Art form knowledge and understanding Creativity, Communication and an understanding of communication. The Creative Media, Arts award qualifications starts at Explore and works up through to Bronze, Silver and Gold. Where pupils take their knowledge from their previous stage and apply it to their new project levels. Creative media is developed to be ambitious and meet the pupils' needs by focusing on their interests. This is how we personalise the arts award at Hopewell to make it more enjoyable and successful for everyone involved, and because we offer the Arts award qualification at its highest-level Gold, this gives pupils the high expectations that they need to succeed. Assessment materials and strategy Creative media is assessed through a variety of methods including, but not limited to, practical work, presentations, and individual projects. Fun and engaging weekly quizzes are also used as an ongoing assessment process for Hopewell pupils taking part in the Arts award. These quizzes help to ensure that they are engaging with the material covered in their lessons and consolidates their learning in a fun and interactive way. At the end of each half term formative assessments take place in the form of teacher assessments. We use these formative assessments to complete a data drop to assess where children are in their learning using classroom monitor. This is then used to identify children who need additional support and as a gap analysis to inform planning. Presentations, dress rehearsals and review sessions are built into the creative media lessons, so that pupils can revisit parts of their learning and receive feedback. This helps to ensure that they are making good progress towards their Arts award qualification.

Click to view Creative Media Drivers