HopeWell School


Depending on each individual child's desired career path and ability, KS4 students are taught As part of a BTEC qualification – Taking part in Sport.. These skills offer students the opportunity to gain qualifications and an experience that provide each pupil with the chance of a career within the PE industry. Students experience the range of jobs and opportunities on offer through attending various sites and interacting with industry experts ,e.g. Personal Trainers, Coaches and Leisure Centre Managers as part of the program of study

PE offers students the opportunity to experience and partake in a variety of practical sports and activities. The lessons are engaging and the pupils succeed and achieve at their own pace. Students develop their confidence and communication through physical and social scenarios that are a platform to enhancing their independence and leadership qualities, that will be vital when accessing jobs or having a career within the industry.

Students enhance their confidence as they experience various sporting and outdoor activities. They develop key skills from wider influences including social, cultural, economic and environmental factors. Leadership and teamwork opportunities enhance social skills and improve their ability to work as part of a group. Their understanding of associated rules, skills and techniques is a platform to broadening their understanding of healthy living and the associated life-long benefits.

Students are provided with opportunities that nurtures their emotional development. Scenarios are created where their self-esteem, motivation and aspirations are continuously enhanced and raised. Lessons are delivered enabling each child to engage purposefully where they can express themselves naturally within an environment that fosters, promotes and creates a sense of belonging.

Authentic Inclusive Approach
The Design Technology curriculum offers the chance for students to learn a diverse qualification that challenges their practical and theoretical knowledge. We provide students with the opportunity to enhance their practical skills as well as delivering the chance to investigate historical, social, cultural, environmental and economic influences on design.

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Sequencing of Content

Cycles of

Core threads


Numeracy, literacy and communication:

Subject specific vocabulary
Practical problems
Key words
Personal targets and goals

Retrieval Practice

  • Repetition – The same task in a different scenario/context
  • Revisit/Starter/Main/Plenary
  • Brainstorming/demonstrations
  • Feedback
  • AFL - High/low order questioning

Click to view PE Statement


Depending on each individual child's desired career path and ability, KS4 students are taught either Gateway Qualifications Construction Skills or Design and Technology GCSE. These skills offer students the opportunity to gain qualifications and experience that provide each pupil with the chance of a career within the construction industry. Vocational courses allow students to focus on practical subjects and less theory. Students discover what different jobs are in construction by visiting a construction site, they get to speak to industry expert carpenters, plumbers, managers, engineers from a range of onsite and offsite professions.

Design and Technology offers students the opportunity to experience a variety of creative and practical activities where they express their creative skills and imagination. Students develop their understanding of materials, properties and different processes. As their confidence and communication develops, this enables them to lead groups and projects. Independence and decision making allow students to develop their critical thinking, analysing and evaluation skills. Students are then able to confidently complete qualifications in construction and express their internalised knowledge. Off-site visits and work experience provide students with vital real-life experiences and opportunities. Through the attainment of these skills and experiences, students are provided with the opportunity to pursue a career in the construction industry.

Students enhance their confidence as they experience working with new materials, techniques and processes. They develop key skills from wider influences including social, cultural, economic and environmental factors. Leadership and teamwork opportunities enhance social skills and improve their ability to work as an integral member of a group. Their understanding of health and safety procedures are also developed with workshop tools and machinery.

Design and Technology students are provided with the opportunity to create projects that improve their well-being and mental state. Projects are adapted to each individual child in order to gain engagement, self-awareness, understanding and self-regulation. In the workshop, students share, explore and think about their thoughts and feelings. They can express themselves non-verbally and communicate their inner feelings with the aid of design.

Authentic Inclusive Approach
The Design Technology curriculum offers the chance for students to learn a diverse qualification that challenges their practical and theoretical knowledge. We provide students with the opportunity to enhance their practical skills as well as delivering the chance to investigate historical, social, cultural, environmental and economic influences on design.

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PE Statement

The specialist nature of the subject curriculumt

Our aim is to deliver a high-quality PE curriculum that is fun and inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in sport and other physically demanding activities.

PE is ideally placed to support and build upon experiences that children have learnt throughout their childhood.

As well as developing physical skills, PE teaches children intellectual skills, helps them navigate complex social situations and nurtures their emotional development. Through PE, we develop the pupils' competence and confidence to take part in a range of physical activities that become a central part of their lives, both in and out of school solving problems in familiar and unfamiliar situations, gathering, interpreting and communicating information effectively and confidently.

The purpose of PE develops motor skills, knowledge and behaviours for physical activity and physical fitness. Fun, engaging, meaningful lessons allow pupils to partake and express themselves. They are provided with opportunities to develop at their own pace whilst feeling empowered enough to support and encourage others to achieve and aspire. Providing students with the ability and confidence to be physically active for a lifetime is a key focus and ambition of our curriculum.

Planning across the Key Stages

All pupils arrive with differing experiences across a myriad of sports. With this in mind we have different starting points for every pupil and planning is differentiated and takes into account their prior experiences, interests and passions.

KS2 PE lessons are planned for pupils to be taught to use running, jumping throwing and catching in isolation and combination, whilst taking part in outdoor and adventurous activities challenging them individually and as part of a team. KS3 PE lessons build upon this through pupils being taught to use a range of strategies to overcome opponents through team and individual games (for example badminton, basketball and football) Taking part in outdoor adventurous activities which present intellectual and physical challenges whilst being encouraged to work as part of a team, building trust and developing skills to solve problems.

KS4 PE lessons further builds upon the previous Key Stages where the pupils are taught to use and develop a variety of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents through team and individual games. Take part in further outdoor and adventurous activities in a range of environments which present intellectual and physical challenges and which encourage pupils to work in a team, building trust and developing skills to solve problems, either individually or as a group.

Assessment materials and strategy

Feedback is given to children by their peers, Teaching Assistants and teachers verbally and through photographic/video evidence during both practical lessons and through following the school marking policy across lessons of theory. Assessment in PE is fluid and continues, this is not only exclusive within lessons, but also during unstructured periods of the school day and when attending other off-site activities. The opportunity to further develop each pupil's' understanding of PE is always available enabling staff to adapt lessons, content and assessment criteria ensuring students fulfil their potential.

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Sequencing of Content

Cycles of

Core threads


Numeracy, literacy and communication:

Subject specific vocabulary
Practical problems
Key words
Personal targets and goals

Retrieval Practice

  • Repetition – The same task in a different scenario/context
  • Revisit/Starter/Main/Plenary
  • Brainstorming/demonstrations
  • Feedback
  • AFL - High/low order questioning

Click to view PE Statement